Tuesday 5 April 2016


Are you a B2B marketer looking for trends that will take over the digital marketing world in 2016?

I have brought you some life-changing and growth-triggered B2B marketing strategies that will escalate your business to new heights in 2016.

B2B Customer Experience

Like B2C businesses, B2B marketers are now inclined towards creating customer experience and finding out their business’ customer feedback because they have started to recognize that customer experience can derive profitability and business differentiation.

B2B marketing strategies are now evolving and b2b marketing is keeping a systematic focus on their customer experience by delivering superior customer with consistency so that they can nurture their relationship with their business customers.

Advocate Marketing

Traditionally, B2B marketing strategies focused on pre-purchase services but not when the marketing trends are shifting dramatically, B2B marketers have devised a strategy to deliver post-purchase or after-sales services and providing value beyond sales because this transforms your customers into promoters (advocates) who forward positive brand experience to potential customers and other references.

Customer/client’s referrals are of more value because they help your business gain leads that can become your customers in near future over a longer period of time.

Web and Mobile Apps

Be it mobile apps or on-site apps, we see b2b marketers are integrating applications as a part of their digital strategy. The benefit of web apps is that they don’t require a download and occupies space on your computer that is more functional than usual webpage and able to convert users into leads.

In addition, B2B marketing strategies now aggressively incorporate mobile apps as well with their business strategy, especially when they are investing heavily in content marketing and producing quality and quantity content to their audience. Some B2B marketers are using mobile apps to broaden their network and create tradeshows and networking as well.


It has been recorded that 33% of Americans have been responding to podcasts positively and have listened to at least one podcast a year. Since podcasting is increasingly growing B2B marketers are considering content in form of podcasts so that they are easily approachable on company website and even on iTunes. These podcasts are easy and on-the-go because you can entertain them, establish authority and present them with your offering.

"Learn about 7 B2B Marketing Strategies for Concrete Marketing Plan!"

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