Friday 29 April 2016


If you want to bring more traffic, generate leads, get more website conversions and develop a credible and trustworthy brand image on internet, you need have a strong digital media marketing plan for your company or brand.

Here, I have brought some amazing out-of-the-box strategies including some extracted from past decades, that you can use to your advantage to have a smart and effective digital media strategy.

Opt For Instagram

If you have not taken your business on Instagram yet, this means you are leaving behind around 400 million potential customers. A big chunk right? So what are you waiting for? I mean, when all the marketers are vigorously selling their brands over Instagram, why can’t you? Instagram is the best forum to begin building your brand with.


Even younger generation that encompasses most of the Instagram is not your customer yet, they can definitely become your potential ones and in the meantime, they become your potential customers, you can still build a positive brand image and build trust, so when the time arrives, they already know you. This could be your potential digital media marketing plan that you have already started working on today.

Don’t Overlook Yahoo! Bing


I don’t understand why when we talk about SEO and search engine marketing, we only idealize Google. Yahoo and Bing are no less than equal Google’s competitor with around 24% less cost-per-click rate. Then why have we been overlooking these amazing search engines. I think now is the time for SEOs to start considering Yahoo and Bing.

Bonus Tip: if you are new into business and running tight on social media marketing budget, consider using Yahoo and Bing for lower PPC cost will help you make your ‘desired results’(more profits) in less budget.

Go For Facebook Lookalike 

The first question is; what is Facebook lookalike audience? Simply speaking, Facebook lookalike audience are the people who can are likely to be interested in your buying your products/services because they are similar to your target market, i.e. potential customers.

When you run a paid campaign on Facebook and select your audiences, you can choose lookalike audience for potential promotional projections.

Paid Promotion for Facebook Posts

Only adding $5 to your promotional budget on some of the selected Facebook post where you want more customer response will drastically boost your customer engagement. For instance, you are running an online food delivery business and you are running a promotional meal deal that you want to share with more and more audiences and boost engagement, you can boost that post using Facebook’s boost engagement and setting desired budget to bring in more people.

Gear-up Email marketing

If you’re into email marketing, you need to revise your digital media marketing plan for 2016 this is because this year, it is expected that marketers are going to do aggressive selling and will react out customer’s inbox 7 times more aggressively than before. So when your customers are showered with a lot of emails each day, you don’t want your emails to get overlooked in the inbox. For that, you also have to increase your email marketing frequency.

Grow Your Twitter outreach

Twitter is a social media channel where you can get followership organically. All you need to do is search hashtags in your domain/industry and you can follow a lot of people of your interest. Twitter mentions also help acknowledge people for their work and expand exposure. Trend a hashtag and you can boost interaction. This platform is equally important with around 1 billion active users. So what are you waiting for? Go and hunt your target market by just tweeting about the relevant topics.

Blogging Is Never Getting Old 

The reason why blogging is one of the most proven digital media marketing plan is, it can help you rank organically on search engines. Additionally, your blog can help generate content for Facebook and Twitter and you can share your articles on these social forums as well. Generating a compelling blog will help you attract more users and build a followership on your website’s traffic.

YouTube Videos

Do you know who owns YouTube? Yes, it’s Google’s ownership and this means when you add up video content in your digital media marketing plans, it will help you boost your search rankings when you upload videos on YouTube. You can also enhance you video’s visibility by optimizing it for search engines and YouTube search results like adding title tags, transcriptions and embedding videos are just some basic SEO hacks. When you dedicate a personal brand channel on YouTube, people will think you are taking your marketing activities seriously and you will eventually build followership and customer trust.

Compelling GIFs 

Graphics are widely being used around internet like Tumblr GIFs that are more interactive than the image alone, and lighter than video. All you need is to schedule your social media calendar and share it with your graphic designer so that you can have beautifully crafted images on time that you can share on your social media channels and blogs.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a necessity these days because SEO leads have a close rate of 14.6%. So if you want to get in the know of people searching for problems that you are providing solutions for, you need to get into this SEO planning to bring more traffic to your website and generate ROI.

Buildup Digital PR

Implementing a digital PR strategy will help you take your business to new heights. Here, you need to stay calm and clever, reach out media agencies and pitch them perfectly and they can feature your company in their blog post or even feature your CEO on a company blog. This helps people know about you and your company and build loyalty and trust.

I hope these digital media marketing strategies will help you devise a useful and results-oriented digital plan and will help you fight back effectively and smartly with your competitors in the digital arena and better present your brand and company’s offering to your customers.

Thursday 28 April 2016

7 Powerful Email Marketing Tips In 2016

 Do you know, more than 144 billion emails are sent to individuals every day? What are the chances that your prospect will open your each email? You can’t really predict unless you have developed an amazing strategy.

Here are 7 powerful email marketing tips for all the marketers who want to boost their business.

Show Respect to Your Prospects

By receiving more than 20 emails every day, most customers feel like ending up in their own inboxes. Hence, it's massively imperative to be conscious of your readers' time. That simply means not to spam anybody. Spam is one of the fastest approaches to get yourself booted from the inbox. Organizations that don't send spam are very much respected by their clients.

All things considered, just compose an email when you have something important to say and be mindful so as to come to the heart of the matter as fast as could reasonably be expected. This will keep you in your clients' great graces and permit you to keep up your inbox benefits.

Use Powerful Words

When your inbox receives 20 emails in 60 minutes, not a lot stands out. Until, that is, you see a headline that incorporates appealing, energizing words. Fusing tangible expressions into your email marketing tips can go far toward enhancing your open rate and confirming that your messages are generally welcomed by readers.

Keep Features Simple

In the event that your readers need to consider the significance of your email feature, they're going to hit "delete" in the blink of an eye. Trust us on this one – with regards to email marketing, the straightforward way is quite often the right one. Emails shouldn't be mind-twisters – they ought to just give important data in a rapidly digestible bundle. End of conversation.

Automate it

One of the simplest ways to make email marketing less demanding for you is to automate it. Software such as MailChimp and Constant Contact both are best for email marketing with basic move-and-customize format layouts. Using an automated service like this can guarantee that your emails get out when they have to and additionally giving you a spot to screen your analytics.

Utilize CTAs Well

In case you're going to incorporate CTAs in your email, they should be clear, brief, and convincing. You ought to be telling your readers precisely what you need them to do and reminding them what they will get in return. CTAs aren't for mysteries and when you lay it out unmistakably for your subscribers, you're liable to deliver better results.

Keep the Content Short and Simple

Remember that you're composing an email, not a novel. Long, massive, content thick emails are going to lose your readers' enthusiasm, so you're best off keeping your content body short and clear. Whenever you edit your email, provoke yourself to slice your content body down the middle before you send the email out. This will distil your focuses to the most vital ones and guarantee that your readers are getting just the information they require.

Be Characteristic

Presently like never before, customers need to connect with credible marketers and organizations. To help this come through in your email advertising, abstain from utilizing strict formulas, be conversational in your email, and guarantee that you're interacting with your pursuers like you would interact with genuine people.

At the point when done right, email marketing tips can be more powerful than different sorts of advertising, including social media marketing. To take care of business, however, you'll have to remember these 7 tips. Doing these things guarantees that you're sending important, energizing, significant emails.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

5 Bedazzling Trends for Online Reputation Management in 2016

Online reputation management is an approach that will help you in many possible ways and allow you to find out and create new opportunities. All you need is to constantly adapt changes, and focus on internal and external issues.

Here I have bought 5 simple steps to build your online reputation.


We always say that employees are one of the key elements that represent your company. But this thing seems to be practiced and considered true in sales companies. In the digital world today, this is a rule of thumb that the better and cleaner your employees’ profile is, the more positive it is for your company


In digital marketplace, who is not aware of power of social media these days? People don’t only want to know the behavior of your company and how socially responsible you are but they place huge importance on how interactive you are with your customers and how socially your customers acknowledge you. This all is possible with social media channels only.


As we move towards 2020, we are expecting drastic changes in the global arena and the methods and strategies of how companies work and communicate their customers and stake holders are going to change. And thus is becoming more and more crucial for companies to control their online reputation management. Since with coming years the stake holders are going to increase in numbers and in functionality as well:


According to report compiled by World Economic Forum, people are lacking trust in companies because various industries have been taking multiple missteps that they need to work on now. Business is not only about making money and selling problems, now people do not only intend to know what a business does but they’re more interested in finding out how do they do it. Transparency can help business flourish and gain trust of its customers.


Lastly, building online reputation is not a onetime game. Reputation management is a long term or we can say, an ongoing process that you need to keep working on that requires a proper alignment of disciplines across organization. This is basically something that you are showing your customers that what hard work and efforts you are putting in to achieve your long term goals on a continuous basis. When your customers see you constantly working towards your business goals and aims and making contributions, they acknowledge you.

Wednesday 20 April 2016


At the point when assembling the principle business portions of a website, I composed an article that defines six website development process essential steps. The article is inclined to how I help customers through the procedure of making their own particular site.

I trust this aides when considering building your own site!

Six Steps of Website Development Process

There are various steps in the website development process. From collecting first hand data, to the development of your site and lastly to support and provide maintenance with the latest trends.

1- Collecting the information

It is the most important step in the whole process, because it defines your goals, strategy and results of the whole process. After you determine the purpose and goals, you need to define your target audience and plan the content accordingly.

While creating the content, keep in mind that you need to attract your audience with the crafted content. It is important to use specific keywords, and include services and products that your targeted audience is looking for.

2- Drafting a Plan

Once you gather all the information, it is important to make a plan. Make a sitemap which is basically a list of all the main topics available on your website. It’s a route which defines the navigation across the pages and content of the website. Keep the end-user - your customer in your mind when designing the website. After all, the efforts you are doing are all to provide an amazing experience to your customers with your website.

Don’t forget to select the perfect CMS (content management system) for your website and decide important elements like, pages, sections, widgets, icons etc.

3- Design

Your customers doesn’t care what your website looks like from back-end, all that matters is the user interface. The look and feel of a website are the vital elements which determines the success of your website. Logo is the identity which builds a strong image of your brand among customers. During the whole process of design and development, coordinate with your designer and keep giving your feedback for better improvements.

4- Development Phase

Once you are done with the design of the website, now comes the developmental part. It requires a lot of technical work which includes understanding of front-end web development, creating valid HTML and CSS codes. Utilizing expertise with such elements maximize website’s functionality and standards in search engines.

5- Testing and Delivery

When your design and development teams are done with their work, it’s time for final testing. In this stage you need to check the functionality, scripts and compatibility on different browsers. Ensure that your website is well optimized for search engines and online viewers.

An experienced web designer will ensure that all the codes are valid and compatible across different browsers. Once every aspect is tested, it’s the time to deliver the site to the owner.

6- Website Maintenance

Launching a fully functioning website is not the end of your work. In-fact, keeping your customers engaged and attracting new ones is a real task. You have to offer new content, offers and services on a regular basis. An updated website ensures the success of your business in the online world. Follow the above steps and take your business to the edge of success.

Monday 18 April 2016

4 Effective Tips on Content Creation Process

Anybody can make ordinary content. Making content that has been published, revamped, and republished a million times is simple.

But making significant, valuable, quality content is a difficult task. It requires investment, effort, assets, and knowledge. The vast majority of small organizations are wrapped-up with maintaining the business, serving the customers, and dealing with the marketing and outreach. Therefore, they don’t pay much attention on content creation process.

Here are 4 key steps to content creation process which can accelerate lead generation cycle.

Develop a Keyword Strategy

Developing a keyword strategy is essential. In fact, it is the first step to develop useful content. Google AdWords is an amazing tool to identify and plan keywords for your business. Just pick at least 25 keywords and put them in Google Keyword Planner, this tool will generate more keyword ideas for you.

After that, evaluate the list and choose a few keywords to develop relevant pieces of content that your clients would be searching on the internet. With high search terms, it is difficult to get the first page ranking. But if you are producing high quality, genuine content, you will get higher rankings and the quickest return on investment.

Produce Quality Content

Quality content is the key. The content you are developing to attract customers must be informative, engaging and appealing to the readers. Search engines prefer longer and quality content pieces which also help you to get appropriate visibility on the web. Publishing your content with numbers, bulleted list and engaging titles you can easily grab the attention of your readers. You may also include a call-to-action in all pieces of your content. But it must be clear, prominent, and should attract the reader to take action.

Attractive Visuals

Adding attractive visuals in your content makes it more lively and engaging. Incorporating relevant images in your blog is a strong point of your content creation process. Blog posts that have attractive images, increases user engagement up-to 40%. On the other hand, content pieces that have images will get 94% more views.


Testing is the most important step in your content creation process. Ensure that the time you are spending on the creation of the content is delivering you profitable results. Measure how many times your content is being shared on other platforms, how many new visitors you are acquiring with your content, what is the rate of conversion and so on. If your content is delivering you desired results, it is better to invest more time and resources to make it stronger.

Monday 11 April 2016




Facebook has come up with its live video feature and the company has recently announced live video streaming on its mobile app with accompanying features with the dedicated live streaming.

According to Mark Zuckerberg, “Facebook live streaming is like a pocket size TV camera with a power to broadcast anywhere in the world.” Further he added that: “This will be a big shift in how we communicate and will create new opportunities for everyone to socialize and come together.”

Interact With The Crowd All Over The World

So now you can talk to the crowed with Facebook live streaming that is a dedicated place with many options of choosing form doing live broadcasting, searching for both live and non-live videos. This all can be done with the already installed Facebook app on your mobile device. Moreover, Facebook is coming up with a geographic map where you will be able to find out who is live broadcasting from around the world in the current moment.

The story does not end here, Facebook has much to give away this year. The company is up to incorporating Facebook’s newly launched emojis (Like, Love, Wow, Ha-ha, Angry and Sad) with its broadcasting feature such that whenever anyone use those emojis during the broadcast, the reactions will pop-up in the screen frame and will soon disappear. This will be like an experience for the person broadcasting on the other end to see its audience’s reaction and hearing their crowd cheer and applaud.

To a broader spectrum, what else is left to imagine with Facebook? I believe one day we will be able to see live streaming of Cricket and Football, Music concerts and live celebrity Q/A sessions. How good it only feels to imagine? Just wonder what will be the experience of witnessing this with Facebook

Friday 8 April 2016


A small business owner would agree that marketing or advertising is not an easy task. The most financially savvy marketing technique is word-of-mouth. The advantage of this sort of marketing is: it gets you Facebook and Twitter followers, and gives a reason to your audience to keep talking about your brand or product. And that is what exactly guerrilla marketing is all about.

The best ideas for guerrilla marketing and advertising are not costly. Even videos made with smartphones can go viral on YouTube and create buzz as a much as $1 million TV advertisements can make on television. The only thing marketers must consider to develop one of an effective Ad campaigns is: display and distribute the campaign at the right time, in the right place, to the right person so it can get appropriate visibility.

Here are 7 useful tips to help you build one of the most effective Ad campaigns.

1- Create a Product Video

More than 65% of internet users are visual learners. You have a great chance to create an amazing impact on your audience by presenting your offerings in a way that speaks to the majority. It has been observed that explainer videos increase 33% of chance to generate more leads. If your product video is impactful, it can engage and motivate users to take desired action.

2- Keep it Simple With Fewer Choices

When you give fewer choices on the landing page, it becomes easy for your customers to take decisions quickly. When it’s less complex, you get a chance to get more leads. Having multiple CTAs on a single page creates confusion, whereas a single CTA doesn’t limit the decision making process of the user.

3- Include a Free Offer With a Purchase

Customers can't avoid a free offer. Truth be told, free additional items to customers increase and expand sales and word-of-mouth referrals. Two major advantages of free offers are:

  • Customers return for more: About 90% of online discount coupons and free gifts indicate that to some degree people are more likely to buy from an online store after receiving a discount voucher or free gift.
  • Something extra is always appreciated: 65% of people who receive discount coupons and free gifts say that they love to share their experience with others online and offline.

Therefore, giveaways are good for your business. Some-times, the little cost of giving customers a chance to test your products results into new sales and revenue.

4- Put Resources into Mobile Marketing

In today’s fast speed world of internet, about 50% or of all ecommerce traffic originates from cell phones; customers are progressively turning their attention towards smaller screens.

But here, the problem is that not all the brands offer exceptional mobile shopping experience. Even on smartphones and tablets, numerous B2C websites are slow and don’t have easy navigation.

Therefore, to attract, engage and convert mobile users, you must build an optimized website which can give an amazing shopping experience to your customers and also one the most effective Ad campaigns

5- Blog Consistently

Blogging is essential to generate leads for your business. But only few organizations have strong and engaging blog. Many turn down blogging just after first or second month when they don’t get desired results.

But when you consistently blog, you start generating traffic to your website. Here, you can narrow down your purchase funnel by placing appropriate CTAs to motivate visitors to make a purchase.

6- Utilize LinkedIn

LinkedIn simply opened up its publishing platform to all the users so anybody can make and distribute content. According to a study by HubSpot, more than 5,000 small businesses generate leads for their business through LinkedIn.

Keep in mind that getting your post read on LinkedIn is only a one part of your campaign. You should likewise have a solid offer or a CTA in your post to capture leads.

7- Google+ Communities

Much like the same as LinkedIn groups, Google+ helps individuals with common interests together. Google+ communities offer chances to grow as an influencer and achieve potential prospects to drive conversions.

Tuesday 5 April 2016


Are you a B2B marketer looking for trends that will take over the digital marketing world in 2016?

I have brought you some life-changing and growth-triggered B2B marketing strategies that will escalate your business to new heights in 2016.

B2B Customer Experience

Like B2C businesses, B2B marketers are now inclined towards creating customer experience and finding out their business’ customer feedback because they have started to recognize that customer experience can derive profitability and business differentiation.

B2B marketing strategies are now evolving and b2b marketing is keeping a systematic focus on their customer experience by delivering superior customer with consistency so that they can nurture their relationship with their business customers.

Advocate Marketing

Traditionally, B2B marketing strategies focused on pre-purchase services but not when the marketing trends are shifting dramatically, B2B marketers have devised a strategy to deliver post-purchase or after-sales services and providing value beyond sales because this transforms your customers into promoters (advocates) who forward positive brand experience to potential customers and other references.

Customer/client’s referrals are of more value because they help your business gain leads that can become your customers in near future over a longer period of time.

Web and Mobile Apps

Be it mobile apps or on-site apps, we see b2b marketers are integrating applications as a part of their digital strategy. The benefit of web apps is that they don’t require a download and occupies space on your computer that is more functional than usual webpage and able to convert users into leads.

In addition, B2B marketing strategies now aggressively incorporate mobile apps as well with their business strategy, especially when they are investing heavily in content marketing and producing quality and quantity content to their audience. Some B2B marketers are using mobile apps to broaden their network and create tradeshows and networking as well.


It has been recorded that 33% of Americans have been responding to podcasts positively and have listened to at least one podcast a year. Since podcasting is increasingly growing B2B marketers are considering content in form of podcasts so that they are easily approachable on company website and even on iTunes. These podcasts are easy and on-the-go because you can entertain them, establish authority and present them with your offering.

"Learn about 7 B2B Marketing Strategies for Concrete Marketing Plan!"