Thursday 30 June 2016

The Checklist Of Business Website Features for 2016

A nice landing page, smooth navigation, crisp interface and readable font – yeah – all of them make a site better than others out there. But these aren’t the only business website features that, upon getting a fix, assure you of sudden rise in traffic and sales. Much as we all wish it did, it doesn’t work that way.

For a good site, it takes constant adaptation, improvisation and not to mention, an eye to pay attention to the tiny details so even minor issues can be noted and fixed.

Well, if you’re in the process of making your business website a great one, here are some important elements you need to put a check on.

  1. A nice domain and catchy domain name representing your product, service or industry
  2. Solid and smooth navigation on top along with breadcrumb and footers
  3. All of the important information about your business including services and operation hours
  4. Clear CTAs integrated in the banner and the footer that prompt the user to take action.
  5. Unsurprisingly, content. Content that solves users’ queries and one with the right appeals and hooks is what gets conversions.
  6. Never forget to include one of the most effective ways to get leads, email signups. Spread them across your website, wherever possible in the most effective way.
  7. April 2015 has changed everything and search engines now prefer responsive sites over non-responsive ones so having one is a compulsion, not a bonus


It’s not a complete list, but it’s all a good business website needs to get started. With these elements taken care of, pretty much any business will feel a definite improvement in its traffic, reduction in bounce rate, which means more people are sticking to it, and thus, higher queries.

Try making your free website using glu7 or Square Space and try to incorporate these amazing business website features to see how your site suddenly feels richer and better. Please let me know how it worked out for you.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

The Pros and Cons of Email Marketing

At times, managing your emails looks like a full time job, and we try to put a lot effort to make it a success but dejectedly, most of us can’t make it to the finish line.

So, if you are thinking to head on with your business with email marketing campaign, I have put together some pros and cons of email marketing that you must consider in order to take the right track that will lead you to success.

Pros and Cons of Email Marketing 



One major advantage of email marketing is that it helps create brand awareness and establish authority. Even not all of your potential customers will open the email you have sent, but chances are, they surely get to watch it arriving in their inbox, that still gives your brand exposure and help your customer recall your brand.


When you have something special to offer, email marketing is something you can take advantage of to talk you your particular customers in person; moreover you can also show off your expertise by sharing your content with them.


If you have written some great content then you must share it with your readers so that they will market it further by sharing it among their circles. Yet another way to reach out your audiences directly.

FAST and responsive

Email marketing is fast and easily deliverable within matter of just few minutes. So, if your competitor comes up with something for your customers, you can also present your offering in response to competitor’s action.



We all are showered with hundreds of emails each day, but it’s hard to determine if your customer will open your email or not.


An email does not serve the purpose to inform your customer only. But if the content in the email is not strong and compelling to take action (or missing CTA’s), you might end up losing your customers.


One disadvantage of email marketing is that it lacks human touch in the content you produce, so you have to be very vigilant and tricky while producing content for email marketing.


No matter what business you are in, planning is crucial to success. And the same goes for email marketing campaign. If it lacks proper planning, it may turn down all your efforts into vain.

So, now when you are about to include email marketing in your online marketing strategy, you have a good grasp of familiarity with pros and cons of email marketing.

Wednesday 8 June 2016


We realize that distinctive organizations have diverse email marketing requirements. We looked into and explored many email marketing tools and concocted the ones we believe are best for an assortment of business niches. Here is a gathering of our top picks and a reason of how we picked them.


Benchmark has got all the features a small business requires in an email marketing tool. Most critical, it designs and makes proficient looking emails simple, with more than 400 responsive templates. The tool additionally includes auto responders that robotize a significant part of the work, point-by-point examination to help you get the a large portion out your marketing campaigns, and a versatile mobile application that gives you a chance to deal with your email marketing needs anywhere you want. The cloud-based programming has an assortment of value focuses taking into account – “what number of emails you need to send every month?” and “what number of individuals you need to send them to?”


GetResponse is one of the simplest and easiest email marketing tools. It offers amazing features and has awesome customer service. With every subscription plan – which is made exclusively in light of what number of contacts you have, you can send the same number of messages as you need every month. Making the software much more reasonable is the 18% rebate you get for agreeing to a yearly subscription rather than month-to-month. GetResponse has a simple-to-use design moderator that features more than 500 beautiful templates and list building tools that make it easy to begin, develop and deal with your contacts.


Plan Beautiful Emails, Manage and maintain your subscribers list and make targeted email marketing content. eFlyerMaker is one of those email marketing tools that enables you to reach your subscriber's inbox each time with a standout amongst the most intense email marketing platforms in the business. Track your campaign execution progressively with the complete arrangement of reports and dashboards.

Step ahead in front of your subscribers and foresee their requirements with eFlyerMaker's one-of-a-kind automation system.