Friday 22 January 2016

How can SEO-friendly Website Increase your Visibility?

Website building tools like Glu7, Wix and SquareSpace allow users to create SEO-friendly websites. But how can this feature help you in your business?

SEO can get your business noticed

By its very definition, SEO means optimization of a web property to the point, it becomes a search engine favorite. Your site, once on the path to optimization, starts crawling up the search engine rankings. As the site goes up, it gets closer to the top spot, which always get more clicks and visits compared to the ones below it.

Think of it as a store located in the heart of the city. People are more likely to visit that store since it’s located at a place where customer can easily find it. Even the public with no intention to buy will give the items a look. Some of them might even buy the items out of impulse.

Now compare that with a store located at the other end of the city with no banner o board to signify its location. Such a store would only be known to a handful of loyal customers. The problem is, businesses need more than a handful loyal customers to thrive. Such a store, compared to one at the center of the city with boards and banners, is likelier to perish.

What’s at stake?

To be honest, the very existence of the business. If people can’t find a brick-and-mortar store, they cannot visit it; they cannot buy from it; the business cannot make sales and cannot prosper. Such a business cannot survive. Same is the case for a business website that is hard to find.

Having a site isn’t enough

Mere existence of a site is not enough. Just like erecting a store isn’t a guarantee for future sales. You have to tell people your brand exists. And you have to tell them using right channels.

Why did I say ‘right channels’?

A website is for every type of person. But just like you would put an ad on magazine to focus magazine readers, you will have to promote your website on the playfield of an internet-user, which is internet.

Plus, promoting your site costs pennies compared to print ad TV ads. On top of it all, search engine can get your site found in seconds. The user logs on to, types a keyword and there comes your result, right there at the first page. It’s that easy to get noticed on the web.

So are you ready to get noticed?

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