Thursday 31 March 2016


Your prospects and customers are more valuable than their email addresses. On a broad level it is essential to develop a smart strategy to pitch all your clients and give them a customized experience in just one shot. Here, dynamic content comes into play. Dynamic content refers to the incorporation or substitution of the components inside of an email that differ in the light of information about the recipient. It makes the interaction with your prospect more customized and focused.

How Dynamic Content Works?

The core element of dynamic content is relevancy. The more relevant content you utilize in your email, the better chance you get to generate a lead. Businesses can increase their revenue by producing targeted and smart content for their potential customers. The information acquired from your recipients such as, demographics, contact information and title help you to deliver the right content to the right individual at the right time.

Here are a few points to get dynamic:

Interests of Recipients: On the off chance that the recipient has showed interest for a specific item or content, customize your email marketing according to those interests.

Demographics: To give a personalized experience in your emails, address local occasions or use different phrases based on the demographics or local events. This will develop a feeling of familiarity and significance, and increase the effectiveness of the content that is being used in the email.

Role and Personality: Is it accurate to say that you are dealing with a higher management personnel or the person at the IT helpdesk? Each person who receives your email has [f1] a different way to approach your product, content or services. One might need to know the primary details, while the other may be willing to make a purchase.

Lifecycle: Every email you send to your prospect contains something different from the last one. As the level of familiarity changes with the time – content, offers and CTAs also get changed. Probably in your early emails you add CTAs like “read my new article” or “download an eBook,” but once you get more familiar, you might offer a trial version of software/application, a consultation session or a webinar.

Stay Away From Spamming: Continuously asking your recipients to repeat the same action every time they visit your website can be annoying. For instance, if your prospects have filled out a form previously, they might find it irritating to fill the same old information again and again. And this action might turn off many potential leads. Dynamic content allows you to personalize this, so that recipients that have previously filled out the form get the access without any complication.

What Kind of Dynamic Content You Require for Email Marketing?

Customize the variables

Sending customized emails to your prospects and subscribes accelerates the click-through-rate. In your email marketing software, you’ll find several fields which allow [f2] you to customize them for your recipients. For instance, customizing emails with the name of the recipient, demographics and providing them appropriate call-to-action adds a personal touch and gives a reason to your prospect to perform your desired action.

Twisting the content

This approach is quite similar to customization of variables but it digs a bit deeper. Just as you can customize the email with names and CTAs, you are able to switch sections of content such as, headings, phrases, text body, paragraphs and images. You may also create a multilingual version of content which is great to utilize according to the demographics of your recipient. An essential point to remember when digging into content insertion is that, after all the customization meets up, the last amalgamated message must make sense.

Crafting the content according to the needs of your recipients

Keep in mind, dynamic content is more than simply putting your friendliest foot forward. It's not just calling customers and prospects by name and telling them they're remembered. Dynamic content makes your stuff as important as would be prudent to your contacts. Your contacts can get content particular to their interests, areas, and necessities, and they won't get email inessentials. So, you won't be spamming them. They're more averse to feel like their inbox is being shelled with junk, and you're less inclined to get hailed. It's a win-win.

Remember that these are only fundamentals. However, the primary concern is that dynamic content cultivates faithfulness and develops standards for dependability. Dynamic content improves the probability of change and pushes prospects through the business pipeline. And that is the thing that your email marketing endeavors are all about.

Tuesday 29 March 2016


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) represents the strategies and key endeavors to boost a website's placement in search engine results. Among other essential components, SEO mainly relies on: on-site HTML structure, site’s internal design, keyword utilization, internal link structure and overall content of the website. So what is SEO exactly?

SEO includes a great deal more than just putting the right keywords on a page. SEO affects all aspects of a website, making a fundamental comprehension of SEO best practices critical for anybody who works on the user interface of an online business.

But to understand SEO from the core, here are some of the fundamental elements that you need to know to develop a better understanding of what is SEO .

Web Crawlers and Ranking

To comprehend why best SEO practices are essential, it's critical to understand the science of search engines and how they work. Search engines use bots (often mentioned as spiders) that crawl websites on the internet and index their content. If the internal structure of your site seems critical to a spider, it considers the webpages as unimportant and doesn’t crawl them.

At the point when a user types any query and hits enter, Google quickly filters its index and returns the most pertinent results. Rankings of webpages are determined through search algorithms that take numerous components into consideration. Google utilizes more than 200 features to decide its rankings, and a basic approach to classify these features is on-page and off-page.

What is On-Page SEO

On-page SEO involves most work that is done to enhance the website for search engines. Below are some important components.

Keywords: Your website’s every page has a goal, and utilizing an essential keyword on your page passes on a strong reason to search engines to get it indexed. For instance, there is a product page on your website where you need to include some variation of the relevant keyword that will attract web crawlers to rank and index your page.

Title Tags: The title tag shows up in the SERP (search engine results page) and browser tab, and is broadly considered among the most imperative SEO ranking elements. Title tags ought to incorporate the essential keywords and brand name, normally distinguished by a colon, or comma.

Header tags: Most web pages are separated into sections, and header tags are utilized to label these. The <h1> tag ought to incorporate the essential keyword which defines the most significant heading for search engines.

Body Text: Quality content is the key to get the desired Google rankings. A page must have minimum 300 words with relevant keywords to get the appropriate visibility. Search friendly content enables businesses to populate their site with relevant keywords and useful material for their visitors.

Internal Link Structure: Clean and appropriate internal links are important to give visibility to your website’s other pages. Internal link is basically a hyperlink in the content body that points to another page on the same website.

What is Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to the methodology that can be applied to upgrade the position of a website in search engine results page (SERPs). Off-page SEO mainly depends on 2 components that are:

1. Link building

2. Social networking

Link Building: link building is the most famous and effective off-page SEO strategy. Fundamentally by building external links to your site, you get more chances to tell search engines that your website contains quality content and useful information for the users.

Social Networking: social networking sites have given a rapid boost to businesses to market their brand or product. Popular social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram enable you to promote your content and make it go viral. They give more exposure to your content and help to improve the page rank of your website. Learn more about What is SEO

Tuesday 15 March 2016


Politics is a widely discussed topic across America everywhere on social media, news channels, radios and just about everywhere. And not only Americans, the whole world is willing to know who's on top to be voted next US Presidency.

Perhaps, this is because the most highlighted figure nowadays, Donald Trump, a reality TV star and a top billionaire in the US.

The thing that stood as a strong candidate is smart marketing strategies followed by donald trump that keep him in the spotlight. Let’s see what marketing lessons for business we can adopt from Donald Trump.


To make your business successful, marketers needs to have a clear idea of the needs and wants of your target market. As we look into Trump’s success, it is connected with his smart initiative for the Great American Recession’s stricken unhappy workers who have not yet recovered. People also look for someone with great leadership skills, where Trump again has an advantage over other Republican candidates.

So, the idea here is to identify and find out needs that people want someone to cater to them, and once you provided them with what they want, you’ll see how positively it affects your cash inflows.


Who don’t know of Donald Trump? Everyone out there on social media and watching news know this man. And not because he is into politics now. This guy has always been in the know of people, sometimes being a famous real estate developer, the reality TV show star and a bestselling author. Trump has never failed in letting people identify him as a Brand. Yet, this time, he’s playing perfectly on the political platform.

So what’s the lesson? Your Business brand needs to be positioned properly; no matter you have critics, getting in the know wins the game. Follow some of the best marketing strategies followed by donald trump


Who don’t recognize I’m lovin it, because you’re worth it and Think different; slogans for McDonalds, L’Oreal, and Apple? A brand’s slogan is something that differentiates a brand, is catchy and memorable and most precisely it communicates positive messages about the brand.

Trump played here very well too. Everybody be it an American, be it not knows ‘Make America Great Again’. This is so popular that it has transformed into a trending hashtag on social media too.

This is a power of a slogan that clearly helps people identify and relate the brand and create a brand association.

Another Trumps’ marketing lesson for businesses rushing for success is to design a clear slogan that people can easily relate your brand with, so whenever they come across the slogan, they know what it is talking about.


With over 6.2 million followers on twitter, Trump has gained more social standing than any other politicians running the presidential campaign.

This is another reason why he is more heard and discussed and known across the world.

Social media platforms like twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram and many more allows more exposure to business than your marketing campaigns alone. So if you want to bring more ROI and make your business successful, you need a social standing for your brand. 

Friday 11 March 2016


Learn how Your fast loading website can get you more money

When you’re initiating to design your website, there are a number of things that you must consider ensuring so that your website comes out perfect and has fast loading time, like:

  • Deciding which design format works best for brand/business
  • Building a wireframe
  • Optimize website loading speed
Steve Job says “a design is not all the time what it look likes but a design is also about something that WORKS.”

Today I’ll be stressing on the next the next half of Mr.Jobs' quote, the way your website “works.” If you have successfully developed a fast loading website, this will affect positively on your website ranking.

Got a perfectly looking website design and wireframes and looking for ways to optimize your website’s loading speed? Here are the things you need to consider.


Since loading time is a crucial element, your website design needs to be improved for loading time. Your primary focus is to optimize your website’s loading speed, so that the users landing on your website don’t press that furious ‘back’ button on their browser.

One more thing you need to consider is to keep in mind the mobile browsing version as well. That can actually increase your website ranking because if your target market is mobile savvy, chances are they’ll use their mobile devices/smartphones to browse your website.

On average, a loading time of 2 to 3 seconds is enough for a website.


Using high-resolution images is considered effective because it has been assumed that everyone browsing internet has a high-speed internet connection like 3G and 4G and images will load easily. And due to the availability of high internet speed many website designers use high-resolution images that are a big mistake because it can cause your website to slow down and affect website loading speed.


Who don’t like a cool and attractive website? But theses animations and cool graphics can affect website loading speed and slow it down. Don’t worry; there are many ways out to keep those cool graphics and animations and still not compromise on the speed.

Even by using simple HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript you can still create a fast loading website and have a competitive edge.

Thursday 3 March 2016

Increase Your Blog’s Organic Traffic: 5 Simple Ways

Do you want to create a website? Are you looking for some SEO strategies for your website’s blog?

The best approaches to for a good SEO is, to simply avoid bad SEO practices.

When you are intended to do SEO for your website and you have strategically optimized keywords in your content, implementing some smart search engine optimization strategies will help improve search engine results and in turn, bringing in more site traffic and ROI.

Here are some smart SEO tips that can help you rank-up on search engines.


The first thing to consider is to know your target market and know who your customers are. You can interact with your audience by maintaining a blog and posting topics that are related to your business industry. You can address your customer concerns, where you need to use appropriate keywords and can appear in search results. It is one of the best strategies to increase your blog traffic

This will help improve your search rank without putting much effort.


Use keyword finding tools like Google AdWords to extend your keyword options which will also increase your keyword vocabulary.

Keeping in sight your target audience and geographical location, Google Adwords helps you find if your keyword is being searched in that particular area or not and the level of competition you are likely to have.


People often seek for SEO advice and expert opinions on online forums, groups but the problem is people don’t know as much as they portray and often these forums are full of unproductive advice. So, if you need advice online you should seek industry experts. Some top SEO experts are Ash Buckles, Matt Cutts’ blog, Brian Dean, Aleyda Solis and Eric Enge.


One strategy to boost your SEO ranking is to link other internal landing pages on your website because if your post motivated your reader, chances are they will be looking for your product. Your job here is to make it easy for them and direct them to find the product.


Google likes it when you refer other blog posts in your content. This helps you grow your network and increase your blog organic traffic via guest blogging opportunities when you link industry and topic related blog posts in your original content.

Moreover, you can earn new leads and partnerships and people always appreciate when you share extra piece of information with them that leaves an impression that you are genuinely intended to help them find solution to their problem.

While these tips may help get you more traffic on your blog and hence your site, there are website design mistakes that can totally kill your SEO and your blog, thus killing your organic traffic as well. be sure to check them out too