Friday 20 November 2015

How to Make Welcoming Changes to Your Site Without Troubling Visitors?

What happens if one fine day you get up, open your laptop and log in to you most-visited website, only to find that its whole layout has been turned upside down. How does it feel? Not good I know. In fact, you might be feeling betrayed right now.

Now what if you change the layout of your website? Imagine the agony of users who will now have to learn everything from the beginning. Moves like can often directly impact the brand’s loyalty online.

But there’s a dilemma. You can’t work with same layout you had in ’99 because a lot has changed since. Today, we have beautiful images, sliders and free website creation dashboards that make things as easy as dragging and dropping (try Googling GLU7).

At times, change does become necessary but you need to make the adaptation process smoother and easier for the visitors.

Changes for the Better
If you are offering changes to your visitors, be sure to focus your changes towards a better customer experience. For most visitors, that is the only thing that matters. If the tabs and menus aren’t accessible, it’s a deal-breaker for them.

Make the changes easy to stomach. Change the layout bit by bit. And while you are at it, try to give them awareness about upcoming changes and if possible, give them a sneak preview or a beta hands on of the layout. Brands like Yahoo, Google, and YouTube have changed their interfaces drastically over the years very smoothly.

So whether it’s CMS or a free site designing tool, always focus on visitor’s experience instead of projection and halo effect.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Get More Clicks to Your Site by Embedding Videos

Embedding videos to your site has tons of perks. It can get you more visitors. Integrating a YouTube or a Vimeo clip makes a website richer and fuller. People can retain visually assisted content easier than plain textual content. This means videos also help deliver the information or the marketing message clearly. 

And above all, a lot of people find reading text boring and prefer watching videos instead. So why not use the edge of technology and deliver the key points of information through videos?

Where to get quality videos?

There are two approaches to this question; you can either create your own videos or borrow some of the free to use/share videos from popular websites like Dailymotion, YouTube and Vimeo.

For best results, you should use a mix of both. Creating your own videos, uploading them on YouTube and then embedding them; and also embedding the videos created and uploaded by others. 

However, there is on crucial rule you need to memorize, and that is to never compromise on the video’s quality. There are still a lot of regions in the world where video streaming isn’t as fast as it is in United States, so this does make 240p and 360p versions of your video, a necessity. However, a huge portion of audience will be looking for 720p or higher resolution and will never compromise on quality. 

To make sure you don’t miss out on any of these visitors, keep all the possible qualities of your videos. 

How to integrate videos?

Integrating videos to a website is subjective. It depends on the interface and the content management system. Embedding videos is easiest if you are using a free websitebuilding tool. If you aren’t, you can either use the embedding option in your site’s interface or add it using source code if you are skilled enough.

So get your videos lined up, because to gain the competitive advantage in today’s online world, you need them now, more than ever.